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Shed pounds naturally - with a plant-based diet

Studies have proven that a plant-based diet can be effective at helping you lose weight, regardless of whether you exercise or make any other changes in your lifestyle. Of course, don't just take our word for it. Here's what a couple of prominent doctors have to say about the value of a plant-based diet for weight loss:

“After adopting a whole-food plant-based diet (WFPBD), I lost 60 plus pounds, dramatically lowered my cholesterol, cured my sleep apnea and am currently training for my first Ironman triathlon! I now try and teach my patients that the most powerful medication available is not the pill they take for their chronic disease, but the food they put in their mouths.” Dr. James F. Loomis, MD

“A plant-based diet can help you lose weight without counting calories and without ramping up your exercise routine,” Neil Barnard, MD

The Secret

One of the secrets behind losing weight on a plant-based diet is to fill up with fiber, which is easy to do when you move vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and legumes to the center of your plate. According to the research, weight loss [with a plant-based diet] is not dependent on exercise and occurs at a rate of approximately 1 pound per week. A vegan diet caused more calories to be burned after meals, in contrast to non-vegan diets which may cause fewer calories to be burned because food is being stored as fat.

Now the Hard Part

Maybe the toughest part of following a plant-based diet is finding and preparing meals that meet your requirements. That’s where we’ve got you covered! ALL of the meals at are 100% plant-based, organic, non-GMO – and prepared by a gourmet chef, which means they’re delicious too! Looking to lose weight? Try one of our weight loss plans. With each shipment you’ll get three meals per day, for five or seven days per week, for two weeks – which makes it is super easy to eat healthy. Check out our  weight loss plans, including what some of our customers have to say.

Read more about how to simply lose weight on a healthy diet.

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