Why be meatless?
There is a lot of talk about Meatless Mondays with veganism and vegetarianism as a way of life, but the truth is only about 5% of Americans commit to this regularly.
People have so many reasons for eating a meat free diet, like helping to stop cruelty to animals, bad practices in factories and distribution and steps taken to slow global warming and pollution. You can stand up for any of these noble causes, but the most personal reason to decrease meat consumption is your health.
As humans we validate our decisions on a multitude of platforms, but we all have physical bodies that respond in organic ways. We need fresh air, clean water and nutrients to wake up each morning and live. In a world filled with cancer, obesity, high blood pressure, sugar levels and cholesterol all directly related to food and environment, an impact has been made and research is expounding on the cause and effect our diet is having on our health. The World Health Organization (WHO) has recently partnered with the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) to study if meat is directly related to cancer. The results were affirmative in processed meats, anything salted, cured, fermented, smoked, or any other process that enhances flavor or preservation, and red meat, including, beef, veal, pork, lamb, mutton, horse, and goat.
Drop the political and social dogmas around food and begin to choose things that strengthen the body, improve your health and leave you feeling full and content.
A meatless diet naturally contains less saturated fat, less cholesterol and includes more fiber and nutrients. The decrease or complete removal of meat from the diet with an increase of plant-based foods has been shown to enhance weight loss, lower cholesterol, blood pressure and blood sugar, decrease inflammation in the body, build immune support and strengthen overall health. So now the question becomes, why wouldn't you decrease or remove meat from your diet?
If your biggest concern is not knowing what to make for dinner, Veestro can help you get started! Meat free, all-natural meals can be delivered to your door with no muss and no stress. You can discover your favorite dishes and each family member can choose their healthy plate for dinner. From curry to kale, to pizza, options abound. When you start finding your preferred dishes, you can begin to experiment in your own kitchen. What may begin as a Meatless Monday, just might become a Meatless Month!?
Learn the power of grains as a source of protein and a main course. Living meat free in no way condemns you to a life of cold salads and fruit. There are endless recipes including soups, casseroles, pastas, pastries and holiday dinners that will satisfy the pickiest eaters. Drop the political and social dogmas around food and begin to choose things that strengthen the body, improve your health and leave you feeling full and content.
Read more about Why Participate in Meatless Monday.